Maintenance Dredging Projects

Dredging to Keep Your Waterways Clear and Navigable.

Cullen Bay – Bhagwan Marine

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
Ports and Harbours,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

Bhagwan Marine hired Neumann Dredging to design and build a 250mm cutter suction dredge, the Nu-Investigator, and a 250mm booster station to complete 100,000m3 of maintenance dredging in the access channel to the Cullen Bay Ferry Terminal in Darwin. The cutter suction dredge The dredging team used the Nu Investigator cutter suction dredge for this project.

Maroochy Dredging Beach Nourishment

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

The Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) required additional dredging in the Maroochy River. The sand was needed for the replenishment of beaches. The 450mm Cutter Suction Dredge the “Nu Endeavour” was used to dredge 20,000m3 of sand from the Maroochy River. With the aid of a booster pump, the material was transferred through an existing 400mm diameter pipeline located in the dunes.

Lake Illawarra Channel Entrance Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

The Lake Illawarra project involved dredging the channel entrance to create a 1050m long x 100m wide channel. Sand dredged from the entrance was used for beach nourishment at the southern end of Warilla beach, 1.5 km away. Additionally, a sand island was to be created as a roosting area for local and migratory birdlife.

Canaipa Passage Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment.

The Gold Coast Waterway Authority commissioned Neumann Dredging to dredge 30,000m3 of sand from Canaipa Passage in the Gold Coast Broadwater. We used the Neumann Equipment Designed and manufactured cutter suction dredge, Nu Endeavour to complete the dredging works. A spreader barge was used at Slipping Sands to distribute the sand evenly.

Swansea Channel Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

Swansea Channel is the marine gateway to Lake Macquarie on the NSW Central Coast. Creating and maintaining a more reliable boating access to the lake was considered desirable for social and economic reasons. A large scale “once off” maintenance dredging campaign to achieve this, with smaller subsequent campaigns for ongoing maintenance.

Townsville Marine Project

Ports and Harbours,
Rivers and Waterways.

Stage 1 of the Townsville Marine Precinct was an$88 million dollar extension of the Port of Townsville, designed to establish a world class facility for marine related industries. This was a design and construct project completed as an alliance with the Port of Townsville Limited and Laing O’Rourke (LORAC).

Iluka Boat Harbour Dredging

Portas and Harbours,
Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

The NSW Govt. and Investment engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake dredging works to the entrance channels for the Iluka Boat Harbour. The works involved dredging the two approach channels to the Iluka Boat Harbour up to a depth of -3.0m below Iluka Port Datum. The total volume of marine sediments dredged was approximately 26,000m3.

Broadwater Parklands

Nav. Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways Dredging,
Reclamation Works,
Beach Nourishment.

The Gold Coast City Council and the Gold Coast Waterways Authority engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake reclamation works required for the Broadwater Parklands Stage 3. The team dredged clean sand from nearby navigational channels in the Gold Coast Broadwater for the Reclamation Works. We used the cutter suction dredges Nu Enterprise and Nu Compact for this dredging project.

Tallebudgera & Currumbin Creeks Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

The annual dredging program for Tallebudgera and Currumbin Creeks. This is part of an ongoing dredging campaign undertaken by the Council to optimise flood mitigation measures and tidal interchange within the creek systems. Neumann’s have been winning the 2 year contracts by tender and have successfully completed the annual dredging campaigns for 14 years.

Corrie Channel Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment.

The Great Lakes Council (now called the Mid Coast Council) engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake the much-needed dredging works in the Corrie Channel. The Corrie Channel is the designated navigation channel/route between Port Stephens and the Myall River, and it also links Nelson Bay and the Port of Tea Gardens.

Ramsgate Baths Beach Nourishment

Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment,
Sand Transfer.

Bayside Council awarded Neumann Contractors the contract to dredge sand from Dolls Point to replenish the beach at Ramsgate Baths in Botany Bay NSW. Though Council requested tenders for a cutter suction dredge Neumann submitted a proposal to use a dry feed hopper bin arrangement to produce a slurry and pump the sand the required 1.7 km.

Currumbin Creek Annual Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment.

The Gold Coast City Council has once again engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake the dredging of Currumbin Creek. These works are part of a 4-6 year contract with the Gold Coast City Council for dredging and beach nourishment works at Tallebudgera and Currumbin Creek. Typically the cutter suction dredge Nu Enterprise is used for this project.

South Wavebreak Island Channel Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment

This project aims to return the North, South and South Wave Break Island (NSWI) navigation channels in the Southern Broadwater to their minimum safe design depths by removing identified shoaling. Dredged sand will be used to mitigate severe erosion on the northern Wave Break Island rock wall and eastern beach as well as on the Spit ‘Finger’.

Bundaberg Port Dredging

Ports and Harbours,
Navigational Channel Maintenance,
Rivers and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment

Recently the Port of Bundaberg was significantly impacted by flooding, which caused unprecedented siltation in the port channel, swing basin and berth pockets. The maintenance works in the affected channels and port areas was undertaken by the cutter suction dredge Nu Endeavourin. In addition, the dredging team transferred the sand to a spreader barge, where the sand was able to be used as beach nourishment material.

Coomera River Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways Dredging,
Resource Dredging.

Synergy Resource Management engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake the dredging of the upper sections of the Coomera River. The dredging involved removing 40,000m3 of marine sediments of various depths from an area covering 5,400 metres of the Coomera River upstream of Sanctuary Cove.

Tallebudgera Creek Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

Neumann Dredging have once again been engaged by the Gold Coast City Council to undertake the dredging of Tallebudgera Creek. These works are part of a 4-6 year contract with the Gold Coast City Council for dredging and beach nourishment works at both Tallebudgera and Currumbin creeks.

Bundaberg Burnett River Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment.

Severe flooding impacted the Burnett River, causing sedimentation in the navigational channels and erosion of the river banks. The team dredged the marine channels adjacent to Kirby’s Wall and replenished the eroded banks of the river with the sand, silt and sediments. The cutter suction dredge Nu Endeavour and a spreader barge completed the navigational channel maintenance, and nourishment works.

Canaipa Passage Channel Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection /Beach Nourishment.

Canaipa Passage is a 13-kilometre secondary navigation channel between North Stradbroke Island and Russell Island in southern Moreton Bay. We used the cutter suction dredge Nu Compact to dredge the navigational channel to a required navigable depth. The clean sand was used as beach nourishment at a beach at Slipping Sands.

Cabbage Tree Point Dredging

Channel Maintenance

The Gold Coast Waterways Authority awarded us the project to dredge the Main Channel North at Cabbage Tree Point to a safe navigable depth. The cutter suction dredge Nu Discovery undertook the works. The dredged sand was used as beach nourishment on either side of the boat ramp and in front of the houses.

South Channel Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

Neumann Dredging were engaged by the Gold Coast Waterways Authority for complete maintenance dredging works for the dredging of the South Channel and South Wavebreak Island Channel, on the Gold Coast, Queensland. The works involved the dredging the nominated shallow areas of the primary South Navigation Channel and the secondary South Wavebreak Island Channel.

Maroochy Replenishment Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.

The Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) required the dredging of sand within the Maroochy River. This involved the mobilisation of the 450mm Cutter Suction Dredge the “Nu Endeavour” through the Maroochy River mouth and the dredging of 75,000m3 of sand through an existing 400mm diameter pipeline located in the dunes.

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