Maroochy Dredging Beach Nourishment

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways,
Coastal Protection/Beach Nourishment.


Sunshine Coast City Council


Maroochydore, Queensland

Maroochy Channel Maintenance Dredging and Beach Nourishment Works

Overview of Project

The Sunshine Coast Council (SCC) required additional dredging in the Maroochy River.  The sand was needed for the replenishment of beaches.

The 450mm Cutter Suction Dredge the “Nu Endeavour” was used to dredge 20,000m3 of sand from the Maroochy River. With the aid of a booster pump, the material was transferred through an existing 400mm diameter pipeline located in the dunes. The sand was used to renourish a 1.5km stretch of beach between the Maroochydore and Alexandra Headlands Surf Lifesaving Clubs.  

The works was an option from the contract for the previous 70,000m3 of material that was dredged in 2015, and was required by the Sunshine Coast City Council due to the Australian Surf Life Saving Championships event being held in Maroochydore in April 2016.

The Nu Endeavour is a 450mm Cutter Suction Dredge It is 34.78m long and has a maximum digging depth of 15m. It has a total power of 1,454KW (1,500hp) and has the capacity of pumping up to 650m3 of sand per hour up to a distance of 1,000m.

Scope of Works

The requirements particular to the operation included:

  • Supply of the 450mm CSD Dredge Nu Endeavour, Booster Pump and ancillary plant,
  • Dredging of 20,000m3 of sand from the approved area within the Maroochy River,
  • Placement of 20,000m3 of sand to the approved beach locations and profiles as required by SCC,
  • Site rehabilitation and rectification as required.


Management of the spread of sand along the popular beach.


Maroochy Dredging Beach Nourishment Project Image Gallery

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