Kingscoast Estate Project

Resource Mining,
Hydraulic Sand Transfer,
Civil Works.


Intrapac Property


Cudgen, NSW

Kingscoast Estate Dredging Works

Overview of Project

Neumann Dredging was engaged to hydraulically place 370,000 m3 of sand to raise the current surface level of the Kingscoast Estate by 3 metres.

Scope of Works

We dredged the sand from an adjacent sand quarry by Neumann Dredging, designed and built 450mm bucket-wheel cutter suction dredge the ‘Nu-Bounty.’

In combination with a 500mm, 2,000 hp booster pump, the slurry was pumped distances up to 2,000m through a 560mm OD poly slurry delivery line. The team ran the delivery line beneath the separating road through pipe sleeves installed to prevent any disruption to local traffic.

Due to the proximity of live roads on either side of the fill area, the control of the hydraulically placed sand was critical. The use of dozers and excavators working continually in the discharge head controlled the water flow.

The secondary role of the construction equipment was to direct the run-off water to a collection sump from where we returned it to the quarry pond via a 450mm tail-water pump and 500mm return water line.

The team utilised a system of temporary sand weirs and steel weir boxes to Weprevent sand from running to the return water pump and enable the fill height to be achieved close to the property boundary.


The project was finished on time and on budget and despite the proximity of the fill limits to the site boundaries, and a fill height of 3 metres above road height, there were no adverse impacts on local residents or road users.

Kingscoast Estate Project Project Image Gallery

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