Coomera River Dredging

Navigational Channel Maintenance,
River and Waterways Dredging,
Resource Dredging.


Synergy Resource Management


Coomera, Gold Coast

Channel Maintenance Dredging in the Coomera River

Overview of Project

Synergy Resource Management engaged Neumann Dredging to undertake the dredging of the upper sections of the Coomera River. The dredging involved removing 40,000 cubic metres of marine sediments of various depths from an area covering 5.4 kilometres of the Coomera River upstream of Sanctuary Cove.

Scope of Works

The sediments were transferred to the newly constructed Coomera Dredge Sediment Management Facility for the Gold Coast Waterways Authority.  The facility contains a sedimentation pond and drying area used for dewatering sediment for transport offsite for beneficial reuse or disposal.

Neumann Dredging undertook the dredging using the Neumann designed and built 450mm bucketwheel cutter suction dredge the Nu-Endeavour. A total of 5.5 km of 280mm poly pipeline was utilised along with a single land-based booster station and two floating booster stations to achieve the maximum pumping distance of 5.1km.


The dredging was completed on time and within budget with no environmental or safety incidents occurring.

The Nu Endeavour has also worked on the following projects:

  • Townsville Marine Project,
  • Bundaberg Burnett River Dredging,
  • Bundaberg Port Dredging,
  • GPC – Tug Berth & Channel Dredging,
  • Sydney Water Desalination Project,
  • Penrith Lakes – Tailings Dredging,
  • Maroochy Replenishment Dredging.

Coomera River Dredging Project Image Gallery

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