Neumann Contractors have been awarded the Cutter Suction Dredging Works for Bundaberg Port’s Swing Basin, Departure Channel and Inner Reach.
In January 2013, the Port of Bundaberg was significantly impacted by flooding, causing unprecedented siltation in the port channel, swing basin and berth pockets. Apart from the unprecedented siltation event in the channel, the port also experienced major scouring and deepening of the river bed along significant sections of the toe of the northern training rock wall. This has led to the development of deep trenches along the toe of the wall which has threatened the stability of the wall.
Mobilisation to site will begin mid-September, with dredging commencing mid-October. Works are due to be completed prior to Christmas.
The proposed method of removing the marine sediment from the Inner Reach, Departure Channel and Swing Basin is with the use of our 450mm cutter suction dredge the Nu Endeavour. The dredge would be used to transport the material through approximately 1,500m of 450mm floating pipeline to a spreader barge at the nominated disposal areas. A booster pump and pontoon will be connected directly to the rear of the dredge to extend its pumping capability to reach the required distances to the disposal areas.
The cutter suction dredge works required to return the Bundaberg Port to more normal operating depths involve reducing the Swing Basin depth to -7m LAT, and the Departure Channel and the Inner Reach of The Channel to -8.5m LAT, with a allowance of up to 0.3m for over-dredging. The volume to be dredged is approximately 251,000m3 to design and up to 334,000m3 when the full over-dredging component of 0.3m is taken into account.