Bulga Trial Dredging Project Team wins Outstanding Teamwork Award
The Bulga Trial Dredging Team has won the outstanding teamwork award in the 2020 Neumann Group Staff Excellence Awards. These awards are an annual event held by the Neumann Group to recognise staff achievement across our range of businesses.
The Outstanding Teamwork award recognises staff from any department or group who have worked together in an exceptional manner to perform an assigned task beyond the scope of their regular day to day jobs, duties and responsibilities.
The team successfully bid for and won the contract to complete proof-of- concept dredging of coal washery tailings at the Bulga Mine site operated by Glencore in the Hunter Valley NSW. They then went on to complete a major 16 week $1m preparation of the assigned dredge in time to mobilise for a tight project commencement date. The dredge was mobilised on time and completed the assigned task.
Through their efforts the team has proven the viability of the dredging concept for shifting large volumes of coal tailings as well as the Neumann ability to provide end to end solutions.
Congratulations on this amazing achievement!!