Swansea Channel and Beach Nourishment Works Completed

Swansea Channel and Beach Nourishment Works Completed

Swansea Channel Maintenance Dredge and Blacksmiths Beach Nourishment Works Have Been Completed

Scope of Work

The aim of the dredging campaign was to create a stable navigation channel to reduce the frequency of periodic follow-up dredging. All sand dredged from the channel was pumped to a designated area at Blacksmiths Beach where it was de-watered & spread as part of beach nourishment & dune rehabilitation works.

  • Dredging a 60m wide channel 3.5m deep
  • Transfer of approximately 80,000m3 of sand up to 3.5km to Blacksmiths Beach


  • Presence of sensitive environmental ecosystems
  • Involvement of numerous stakeholders and interest groups;
  • Proximity to local residents;
  • limited timeframe to complete the dredging
  • Installing 3,500mof pipeline from the Channel to the beach including an 80m section through an existing box culvert
  • Pumping the material up to 3,500m through a series of booster pumps
  • Spreading the material evenly along the beach at the nourishment
  • Maintaining safe navigational access for all boating traffic in this very popular and busy recreational waterway.

This is a busy waterway used by around 18,000 boats, with more than 25,000 boats expected to use the lake by 2020.”

“This is all about improving access and creating more certainty around the channel’s navigability so boaties are kept safe and more inclined to use these waterways in the future. We anticipate that the project will boost the local economy by up to $3.7 million a year.” Minister for Natural Resources, Lands and Water, Kevin Humphries and Minister for Roads and Freight Duncan Gay announcement.

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