Ash Dam Maintenance Dredging at LiddeLl Powerstation
Overview of Project
AGL Macquarie engaged Neumann Contractors to dredge coarse bottom ash (Clinker) from a temporary storage facility to a permanent storage location at the Liddell Power Station.
Scope of Works
The dredging works consisted of pumping approximately 130,000 m3 of bottom ash (clinker) a distance of 650m with an elevation of 20 metres to a permanent storage facility.
The dredging team successfully completed the project with Neumann Contractors designed and built 250mm cutter suction dredge the Nu Enterprise working six days per week and 24 hours per day.
Dredging has been successfully proven to be a cost-effective way to remove the settled ash from a coal ash storage pond at power stations. Neumann Dredging will work with you to manage the removal process.