New 250mm Cutter Suction Dredge Under Construction

New 250mm Cutter Suction Dredge Under Construction

New Dredge Under Construction

The steel fabrication department has recently started the steel fabrication works on our 3 rd dredge for our 250 mm cutter suction dredge range to expand our current dredge fleet. Works are progressing on time and under budget.

Thus far, the Engine Room / Cabin has been delivered for fit-out, and currently, we are fabricating the pontoons.

This range of dredges is designed to be ultra-portable. The dredge can be easily and cost-effectively transported anywhere in the world in two 40′ shipping containers, and it can be assembled on the water, reducing the cranage requirements for launching and retrieving the vessel. The total dry weight of the assembled dredge is approx. 20.5 tonnes.


Find out about the two previous dredges built in this model:  Nu Explorer,  Nu Discovery.  Note:  Dredges can be custom-built to your specifications to suit your needs.

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